授業について About Class
Tsukuba University CPNC 2021 “Communication between Science and Society”
I’ve created a page of class artifacts. Updated 9/29/2021
Please click on the link in the schedule below to watch the on-demand lecture before the face-to-face class starts on Wednesday, September 15. If you are not able to view the video by the start of class on Wednesday, September 15, please contact me(hayaoka[atmark]gmail.com). The password was notified to you by email.
The PDF document can be downloaded at the site. It’s not perfect, but we’ve included it in English for your reference.
If you use the PC version, you can add subtitles in various languages by going to YouTube website and watching it. Although accurate translation may be difficult, if you want to watch the video in a language other than Japanese, you can use the subtitle function. If you want to add translated subtitles on your smartphone, you can use the Chrome browser to watch the video as the PC version, but you will have to do your own research on that.
スケジュール Schedule
9/14 Tue (On-demand lectures)
*This is an on-demand lecture, so you can watch it at any time, not just on 14 September. Please make sure to fill in the confirmation form when you watch it!
- 科学コミュニケーションとは What is science communication?(On-demand lecture)
- 新型コロナとリスクコミュニケーション New coronaviruses and risk communication(On-demand lecture)
- 自然保護と科学コミュニケーション Nature conservation and science communication(On-demand lecture)
- デザインの基礎 The basics of design(On-demand lecture)
9/15 Wed(Lecture & Training)講義室:人文社会学系棟B218セミナー室(大)9:00~17:00
- Adobeソフトなどを使ったコンテンツ制作、写真撮影に関するレクチャー Content creation using Adobe software, etc. About photography(lecture)
Please make sure to download the file in a broadband environment before the class starts on September 15 (Wed). If you are unable to download the file, we will make a copy of it on the day of the class using a USB memory stick. - Adobeソフト によるポスター制作
Making Visual Poster by Adobe Software(Training )
Theme “Event poster design for nature conservation areas of my interest” - 成果発表会・講評 Presentation and review
備考 Remarks
- ポスターを制作するにあたり、著作権に問題の無い画像を用意しておくと、作業が早く終わります。
- 著作権フリー画像、音楽、動画などを使用できます。希望するリンクをこちらへ連絡してください。ダウンロードします。
- この授業ではリポートの提出はありませんが、授業の感想について必ずフォームより記入してください。フォームへの入力をもって出席とみなします。
- Adobeソフトの個人PCへのインストールが必要となります。
※体験版で結構です。無料で始めるのところから、Illustrator、Photoshop、Premiere Proをインストールしておいてください。その後使用しない場合はインストールから7日以内に必ず解約してください。
※筑波大学でAdobeCCライセンスを個人PCにインストールできるかどうかに関する最新情報は学術情報メディアセンターにお問い合わせください。 https://www.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp/wp/
- *When creating posters, it is helpful to have images that you have taken or created yourself, so that the work can be completed quickly.
- *You can use copyright-free images, music, and videos from the following sites. Just let me know which links you want and Hayaoka will download them for you.
https://www.videoblocks.com/ - *You do not need to submit a report for this class, but please be sure to fill out the form about your impressions of the class. We will use the form to determine your attendance.
- You will need to install the Adobe software on your personal computer. The trial version is fine. Please install Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro from the “Get Started for Free” section. If you don’t use the software after that, you must cancel the subscription within 7 days of installation.
For the latest information on whether or not AdobeCC licenses can be installed on personal computers at the University of Tsukuba, please contact the University of Tsukuba Center for Academic Computing and Media Studies.