早岡 英介
羽衣国際大学 現代社会学部 放送・メディア映像学科教授。北海道大学 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP・コーステップ)客員教授。兵庫県姫路市出身。大阪府堺市在住。
1994年筑波大学第2学群生物資源(旧農林)学類卒業。ワンダーフォーゲルクラブ。1996年筑波大学大学院生命環境科学(旧環境科学)研究科・自然地域計画研究室修了。 新聞記者を経て、2008年まで映像ディレクターとして、主にNHKの科学番組、ドキュメンタリーや、科学・環境系のPRビデオや教材を制作。
Adobe Education Leaders(AEL)
Eisuke Hayaoka
I am from Himeji City. I lived in Sapporo for a little over 10 years and moved to Sakai City, Osaka in March 2021. I have been teaching visual media and science communication at Hokkaido University since 2009 and I began working at Hagoromo University of International Studies in 2021. Until 2008, I was a director and a cameraman producing natural science programs and documentaries of NHK, a public broadcaster in Japan. Typical works include a TV program of wild western lowland gorilla taken in the Republic of Congo, Africa, and a documentary of researching mysterious lightning occurred in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Currently I make videos for university public relations. For example, images of Hokkaido university faculty of science and some images of field work of researchers. And I also work as a science cafe planner and facilitator and specializes in producing e-learning content.
Please refer to the following for my work since I came to Hokkaido University.